7 Uncommon Conditions With Common Symptoms

7 Uncommon Conditions With Common Symptoms

Diagnosing and recognizing some rare conditions with common symptoms can be difficult for patients and professional health practitioners. Such situations are always dangerous, especially for severe conditions, and for patients who self-medicate. These rare conditions often get mistaken for another condition due to similar symptoms, and this results in treating a à with the wrong medications.

What are uncommon conditions?

Uncommon conditions are rare health issues with no known cause or treatment. These conditions happen to 2 or less out of 2000 people.

The causes and treatment of a rare disease or condition can be determined with the right diagnosis.

Early detection or diagnosis is very important as it increases the chances of treating the condition. Diagnosing rare health conditions often consumes a lot of time, especially when the doctors encounter them for the first time. It even takes more time if the symptoms experienced by the patients are common.

Effects of misdiagnosis

Being misdiagnosed when suffering from an uncommon condition is mostly inevitable. However, being misdiagnosed can lead to certain effects like:

  • Admitting the wrong medications: Taking the wrong medication can trigger the existing rare condition.
  • Limited treatment time: The more time it is wasted on trying to diagnose a condition, the lesser the time for the treatment. This is bad if the condition requires urgent treatment.
  • Depression: Suffering from a rare condition is already enough to drag anyone into depression. Going for several unsuccessful diagnoses can lead the patient into a far worse state of mind.
  • Waste of resources: Diagnosing a disease or condition requires certain resources. Failed diagnosis attempts are a waste of resources.

In this article, we will list some of the uncommon conditions with common symptoms.

7 Rare Conditions with Common Symptoms

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (Silent Reflux)

Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a disorder that causes stomach acid to flow back into the larynx (voice box) and pharynx (throat). Some of the symptoms of LPR include hoarseness, frequent throat clearing, the sensation of a lump in the throat (globus sensation), postnasal drip, sore throat, and chronic cough. While LPR is not life-threatening, the symptoms can drastically reduce the quality of life. What’s tricky about LPR is that there are currently no medications specifically designed for this subtype of reflux. However, some medications used for treating GERD, such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 blockers, can be helpful in managing LPR symptoms. Additionally, lifestyle changes, such as avoiding triggering foods and drinks, eating smaller meals, and not eating close to bedtime, can also help alleviate symptoms. According to German researchers, research is currently underway to find better ways to treat laryngopharyngeal reflux (called “stiller Reflux” in German).


Haemophilia is one of the rare disorders that are quite severe. In this disorder, blood doesn’t clot normally. Some of the symptoms of haemophilia are joint pain, deep injuries, swelling, blood in urine/stool, etc. Blood clotting is an important function in our systems, and improper clotting of blood can lead to excessive internal and external bleeding. There is no cure for this disorder.


Achalasia, also known as cardiospasm, is a rare oesophagus disorder that leads to the inability to push food down to the stomach. Some of its common symptoms include coughing during the night, difficulty in swallowing, and dry mouth. Achalasia is a treatable condition, but it has to be done by a professional

Cyclic vomiting syndrome

Cyclic vomiting syndrome is a rare disorder that causes recurrent vomiting and nausea. This spell can last for hours or days, leaving the patient weak. Some of the symptoms of cyclic vomiting syndrome are nausea, vomiting, loss of energy, headaches, etc. This disorder can affect both children and adults. Some children outgrow this disorder while others do not. Rather, the disorder transits into occurring migraines.

Wolfram Syndrome

Like most rare diseases, Wolfram Syndrome is an incurable genetic disorder. It causes deafness, optic atrophy, and some forms of diabetes like diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. symptoms of the wolfram syndrome include frequent urination, increased appetite, weight loss, excessive thirst, etc. Its symptoms are similar to one’s experienced by those with regular diabetes conditions .

Alstrom syndrome

Alstrom syndrome, like the wolfram Syndrome, is an inherited disorder, but it is a more severe condition. People living with this disorder often go through life-threatening issues. Some of the symptoms of alstrom syndrome include obesity, diabetes, etc. There is no cure for this disorder. Those living with the alstrom syndrome developed slowly than usual, and they barely lice for more than 40 years.


Fortunately, not all rare cases are severe and require immediate treatment. However, some of them may be very severe and incurable. The key to early detection of any type of condition, whether rare or not, is visiting the doctor once you start experiencing any symptoms.

Do not wait until the symptoms worsen before getting checked. No symptom is minor. The common symptoms you may be experiencing and treating as a minor case can be caused by rare, dangerous conditions.

Secondly, ensure that you get diagnosed before opting for any medication or treatment. Taking the wrong medication may worsen the condition.

While some of the rare disorders are incurable, there are treatments that can help reduce the effect of the conditions. Some of the treatments may just require some lifestyle adjustments, and others may require medication. A professional practitioner can help set you on the right track.

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