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Oliver is a dedicated physiotherapist with over a decade of experience in helping individuals regain their physical capabilities after injuries. Passionate about fitness and rehabilitation, Oliver has made it his mission to create accessible, evidence-based resources that empower people to take control of their health. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or …. more

The 7 Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know

There are many reasons why you might want to lose weight. Perhaps you are trying to become healthier. Maybe it is for sports purposes like trying to meet a certain weight class. Or maybe you...

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The 7 Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know

The 7 Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know

There are many reasons why you might want to lose weight. Perhaps you are trying to become healthier. Maybe it is for sports purposes like trying to meet a certain weight class. Or maybe you just want to get your body ready for the beach. There is a lot of misinformation surrounding weight loss out there. But today we are going to provide you with the 7 real weight loss secrets you need to know!

Shift Weight, Not Lose It

Perhaps the most important weight loss tip is also one of the most counterintuitive. Your goal often shouldn’t be about losing weight. Instead it should be focused on shifting where your body weight is coming from.

People often associate weight loss with losing fat. But, once they start working out, they are surprised that they aren’t actually losing weight, despite looking more slender and toned. This is because muscle is denser than fat. So, while a pound of muscle and a pound of fat might be the same weight, they will occupy less space in and on your body. So it is important not to focus too much on the idea of weighing less. But rather looking at where your body weight is coming from.

Do Not Starve Yourself

It is a very common misconception that starving yourself will naturally help you lose weight. But hunger is a mental response, not a physical one. The brain tells us when we are low on nutrients and need fuel in response to our body’s signals. But people wrongly assume that staying hungry will make the body burn your fat. This isn’t true. Starving yourself will only serve to damage your body and mind.

Eat More, Not Less

The real secret to weight loss is often actually eating more. Your body needs energy to burn fat. And that energy will come from meeting your calorie needs and ensuring you are eating the right foods. Proteins, leafy greens, fiber, and natural sugars from fruits all play an important role in weight loss. On days you exercise you will need to eat more to ensure your body has the energy to regrow your muscles and burn your fat.

Human Growth Hormone

Human growth hormone, or hgh, is a naturally occurring hormone that controls our metabolism and helps our bodies grow. A deficiency of hgh can cause increased fat mass, fatigue, and reduced muscle mass. If you feel like you can’t lose the pounds even when working out and dieting properly you might want to go to a doctor and see if you are hgh deficient.

If you are, they will likely recommend a course of hgh injections. This can be done on prescription or independently. You will want to do some research into how to time hgh injections correctly to get the maximum benefit from them. And you will need to ensure you maintain your healthy habits while using hgh injections.

Cardio Is King

Hitting the gym is an important part of losing weight. But people often overlook cardio. Yet it is actually one of the most important aspects of any weight loss journey. Cardio is one of the most efficient ways to burn calories.

It is suggested that you engage in some form of cardio five times a week. Or for a minimum of four hours during a week. This could be in the form of jogging to the gym or using the stair machine while there. While walking is a form of cardio, it isn’t intensive enough alone to make a significant impact on your weight.

Stay Hydrated

Recent studies have shown that, on average, people aren’t drinking enough water. But you might be surprised to learn that water can be an extremely effective weight loss tool. The main goal with drinking more water will be to replace sugary beverages like soda in your diet. Water can also help reduce your appetite which will help you avoid overeating.

Beyond that water will also ensure you have the energy you need to workout and stay motivated. Always take a bottle of water with you to the gym so you can stay hydrated during your workout session.

Positive Thinking

The ultimate key to ensuring your weight loss journey is successful is to ensure you are approaching it with a positive mindset. Losing weight can be a great confidence booster and can make you healthier if done right. But it also won’t magically fix any insecurities you may have.

You need to ensure you have taken the time to learn how to love yourself, no matter what weight you are. You will be surprised at the impact a positive self image can have on your weight loss journey. Once your mind shifts the focus of your weight loss to a purely practical standpoint, rather than an emotional one, you will be more motivated and driven. And you’ll be far less likely to punish yourself when you don’t see quick results.

7 Uncommon Conditions With Common Symptoms

7 Uncommon Conditions With Common Symptoms

Diagnosing and recognizing some rare conditions with common symptoms can be difficult for patients and professional health practitioners. Such situations are always dangerous, especially for severe conditions, and for patients who self-medicate. These rare conditions often get mistaken for another condition due to similar symptoms, and this results in treating a à with the wrong medications.

What are uncommon conditions?

Uncommon conditions are rare health issues with no known cause or treatment. These conditions happen to 2 or less out of 2000 people.

The causes and treatment of a rare disease or condition can be determined with the right diagnosis.

Early detection or diagnosis is very important as it increases the chances of treating the condition. Diagnosing rare health conditions often consumes a lot of time, especially when the doctors encounter them for the first time. It even takes more time if the symptoms experienced by the patients are common.

Effects of misdiagnosis

Being misdiagnosed when suffering from an uncommon condition is mostly inevitable. However, being misdiagnosed can lead to certain effects like:

  • Admitting the wrong medications: Taking the wrong medication can trigger the existing rare condition.
  • Limited treatment time: The more time it is wasted on trying to diagnose a condition, the lesser the time for the treatment. This is bad if the condition requires urgent treatment.
  • Depression: Suffering from a rare condition is already enough to drag anyone into depression. Going for several unsuccessful diagnoses can lead the patient into a far worse state of mind.
  • Waste of resources: Diagnosing a disease or condition requires certain resources. Failed diagnosis attempts are a waste of resources.

In this article, we will list some of the uncommon conditions with common symptoms.

7 Rare Conditions with Common Symptoms

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (Silent Reflux)

Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a disorder that causes stomach acid to flow back into the larynx (voice box) and pharynx (throat). Some of the symptoms of LPR include hoarseness, frequent throat clearing, the sensation of a lump in the throat (globus sensation), postnasal drip, sore throat, and chronic cough. While LPR is not life-threatening, the symptoms can drastically reduce the quality of life. What’s tricky about LPR is that there are currently no medications specifically designed for this subtype of reflux. However, some medications used for treating GERD, such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 blockers, can be helpful in managing LPR symptoms. Additionally, lifestyle changes, such as avoiding triggering foods and drinks, eating smaller meals, and not eating close to bedtime, can also help alleviate symptoms. According to German researchers, research is currently underway to find better ways to treat laryngopharyngeal reflux (called “stiller Reflux” in German).


Haemophilia is one of the rare disorders that are quite severe. In this disorder, blood doesn’t clot normally. Some of the symptoms of haemophilia are joint pain, deep injuries, swelling, blood in urine/stool, etc. Blood clotting is an important function in our systems, and improper clotting of blood can lead to excessive internal and external bleeding. There is no cure for this disorder.


Achalasia, also known as cardiospasm, is a rare oesophagus disorder that leads to the inability to push food down to the stomach. Some of its common symptoms include coughing during the night, difficulty in swallowing, and dry mouth. Achalasia is a treatable condition, but it has to be done by a professional

Cyclic vomiting syndrome

Cyclic vomiting syndrome is a rare disorder that causes recurrent vomiting and nausea. This spell can last for hours or days, leaving the patient weak. Some of the symptoms of cyclic vomiting syndrome are nausea, vomiting, loss of energy, headaches, etc. This disorder can affect both children and adults. Some children outgrow this disorder while others do not. Rather, the disorder transits into occurring migraines.

Wolfram Syndrome

Like most rare diseases, Wolfram Syndrome is an incurable genetic disorder. It causes deafness, optic atrophy, and some forms of diabetes like diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. symptoms of the wolfram syndrome include frequent urination, increased appetite, weight loss, excessive thirst, etc. Its symptoms are similar to one’s experienced by those with regular diabetes conditions .

Alstrom syndrome

Alstrom syndrome, like the wolfram Syndrome, is an inherited disorder, but it is a more severe condition. People living with this disorder often go through life-threatening issues. Some of the symptoms of alstrom syndrome include obesity, diabetes, etc. There is no cure for this disorder. Those living with the alstrom syndrome developed slowly than usual, and they barely lice for more than 40 years.


Fortunately, not all rare cases are severe and require immediate treatment. However, some of them may be very severe and incurable. The key to early detection of any type of condition, whether rare or not, is visiting the doctor once you start experiencing any symptoms.

Do not wait until the symptoms worsen before getting checked. No symptom is minor. The common symptoms you may be experiencing and treating as a minor case can be caused by rare, dangerous conditions.

Secondly, ensure that you get diagnosed before opting for any medication or treatment. Taking the wrong medication may worsen the condition.

While some of the rare disorders are incurable, there are treatments that can help reduce the effect of the conditions. Some of the treatments may just require some lifestyle adjustments, and others may require medication. A professional practitioner can help set you on the right track.

Our Ultimate Guide To Becoming Healthier in 2024

Our Ultimate Guide To Becoming Healthier in 2024

You will see a lot of adverts online and on TV for fad diets and new health schemes designed to revolutionize your life. Instant health benefits. A new lease on life. Amazing claims that are often too good to be true. And more often than not they are.

Being healthy is hard work. Especially in our modern society. With a cacophony of technological distractions and unhealthy food being shoved at us every day. But it isn’t impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Far from it. With persistence, determination, and the right advice, you can improve your overall health. And we are here to give you that advice. This guide will walk you through all the steps to becoming healthier in 2024.

Diet Is King

The importance of a good diet cannot be overstated. Our bodies are complicated machines that need the right balance of fuel to function at their best. Everything else we talk about in this guide won’t matter if you don’t get your diet sorted first.

A lot of fad diets will tell you that the key to being healthy is cutting out fats and sugars while substituting in more fruit and veg. Or they will tell you to basically starve yourself. But this isn’t the case. Starving yourself is the absolute worst thing you can do. And both fats and natural sugars are a necessary part of any healthy diet.

You will want to cut down on foods containing a lot of preservatives or artificial flavorings. This will lower your energy levels and can have an effect on your mood. You will need to ensure you are eating enough calories in a day as well. The average recommendation is 2,500 kcal for a man and 2,000 kcal for a woman. If you are exercising in a day you will want to increase this amount.

Medical Cannabis

The United Kingdom finally legalized cannabis for medical purposes back in 2018. Since then it has been used in clinics across the nation to help deal with a number of ailments both mental and physical. Chronic pain, depression, arthritis, anxiety. These are just a number of the issues that are being tackled by medical cannabis prescriptions.

Getting a cannabis prescription in the UK isn’t the most straightforward affair. A lot of smaller cities lack the infrastructure to facilitate medical cannabis prescriptions. And even in the bigger cities, certain clinics won’t offer a cannabis prescription. You should check various reviews of medical cannabis clinics in the UK to find one near you. When you go for a cannabis consultation you should make sure to be exact with your symptoms and ensure cannabis is something that can actually help with your condition.

Cannabis is also extremely useful for those hoping to beat various addictions. Both alcohol and nicotine addiction can be dealt with with a medical cannabis prescription. THC as a chemical is non-addictive. And, when consumed, the psychoactive effects can curb the body’s need for other addictive substances.

Practice Self-Care

You will see the term self-care thrown about a lot online. And the negative effect of this is that the idea of self-care has become somewhat muddied. People will often say that self-care is taking a day off from work and treating yourself to some unhealthy food. Or self-care is spending a day engaging in one of your hobbies. And, granted, these are things you should do every now and then.

But self-care is also about doing things to ensure your body and mind are healthy. And these aren’t always pleasant. Sometimes self-care is spending the night cleaning your house rather than watching Netflix. Or it could be forcing yourself to go to bed early rather than going out to meet your friends.

Your body needs sleep, rest, in order to function properly. Self-care is all about ensuring your body and mind are getting what they need. And this often means sacrificing your pleasures in favor of health.

You should consider starting a journal. Try to find some time each morning or evening to sit down and write down all your thoughts and feelings. Make note of the things you accomplished and your goals for the coming day or week. A journal is also a great way to help manage your mental health. Writing down your thoughts is a great way to process them. It will help you face your issues directly. You will soon notice that, after journaling for a while, your mind is better equipped to handle negative thoughts and feelings.

Vapes or Smoking: Which is worse for your health?

Vapes or Smoking-Which is worse for your health

Smoking is an ancient habit practiced by people from all over the world. Vaping is considered a more recent mode of smoking that utilizes a modern device. The debate on which the two pose more health risks may be endless. While some may argue that vaping is safer than smoking, others highlight potential health hazards linked to vaping devices. Hence, it becomes evident that differing opinions exist regarding their health implications.

If you are a fan of either, it’s important to understand the health risks associated with them and decide which sounds better. This article will help you make informed decisions about your lifestyle choices. We’ll take you through the ongoing discussion surrounding vapes and smoking, highlighting their respective effects on your health.

Vaping vs Smoking

Smoking is the traditional way of lighting cigarettes and inhaling the smoke to give you a satisfying effect. Vaping is a modern way of smoking using electronic devices and the marketers such as the Vaporshopper USA, often describe it as a less harmful way of smoking. But does changing the way you inhale change the content of the smoke and the subsequent effects? That is what has led to long debates even among health experts.

While some proponents suggest that vaping can be less harmful to your health as compared to traditional smoking, there are concerns regarding the long-term effects of the e-cigarette. This is because it also contains chemicals and additives available in cigarettes. Some doctors also believe that it’s a wrong idea to suggest that vaping can be a solution to quit smoking.

When it comes to traditional smoking, it has been in existence for the longest. That has resulted in much research being done by different experts over the years to establish its effects. Hence, it has long been known and verified that it is a leading cause of some chronic diseases, such as lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disorders. Over time, it has also been proven that there are harmful effects of tobacco smoke on the lungs and heart organs.

Hence, the well-documented research on tobacco smoking has made various groups and organizations campaign against it. That gives the perception that vaping, which is relatively new in the market, is a better option. However, that is not the case, as the same nicotine is making many individuals continue struggling with addiction.

Comparing Potential Health Risks

The health risks of vaping and smoking can be well measured by assessing factors such as chemical exposure, carcinogenic compounds, and addictiveness. What happens in vaping is that the device used limits the amount of harmful substances going into your system. The device eliminates combustion and reduces exposure by acting like a filtration system.

However, as long as toxic substances that are found in cigarettes can still get into your body, even in small quantities, vaping can still pose health risks, especially for young users and non-smokers. Additionally, while vaping eliminates the combustion process there are vape liquids that contain flavorings, propylene glycol, and other additives. Thus it introduces other compounds that could pose health risks. In view of these facts, it is true that smoking tobacco directly exposes your body the most to many other harmful chemicals like tar and carbon monoxide. Thus, it increases the risk of contracting respiratory diseases and other serious health issues.


The debate surrounding vapes and smoking is better phrased as to which of the two is the worst for your health. Smoking tobacco is, without doubt, associated with many health risks and diseases. While vaping presents some safety measures, it also introduces hazardous elements that require further investigation to establish their worst effects. While the choice is solely yours, health officials still insist that the only option is to quit smoking and avoid the use of e-cigarettes.

The Best Workout Regimes for Full Body Fitness

The Best Workout Regimes for Full Body Fitness

Full body fitness is the only way to get in optimal shape and improve your overall health. Many fitness options exist, but choosing the best one for your body shape is important.

A successful workout regimen will allow you to progress your health and fitness goals. You might be confused by the various workout regimes, so we’ve designed this article to help you pick one that fits your needs.

High-intensity Interval Training

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a fast-paced, cardio-based workout that alternates between high and low-intensity periods. HIIT workouts are great for burning fat, building muscle, and improving cardiovascular health.

For effectiveness, you need to have high testosterone levels to boost your energy. Worth noting, testosterone enanthate can be used for low testosterone levels to increase your heart rate, burn fat, and improve fitness during HIIT activities.


Planks are an excellent exercise that works your core and arms. It strengthens your abdominal muscles, which help you to support your spine and keep it stable. The front plank is a variation of the standard plank, which works your arms even more.

To do this exercise:

  1. Lie face down with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Lift onto your forearms, keep your shoulders on the floor and stay in a straight line with your body from head to toe.
  3. Hold for 30 seconds, then lower yourself onto the floor until you have done two sets of eight reps each.


Front Squat

The front squat is a great exercise for building strength in your legs and hips, but it also works out your shoulders and back. It’s a variation of the traditional back squat that involves keeping the bar behind your shoulders and as close to your legs as possible. This movement will hit all major muscle groups in the legs, including quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

If you’re new to this exercise, start by standing with a barbell across your shoulders or with dumbbells on each side of the bar. Start with a lightweight, then slowly increase it as you get stronger.


Push-ups are great for full-body fitness. They work your entire upper body, including your chest, triceps, and shoulders. They also work arms and core to keep you stable. The push-up works all the muscles in your chest and upper body to build strength. If you want to get stronger, try doing them with a heavier weight or by increasing the number of reps you do each time.


The deadlift is an excellent exercise to add to your program if you’re looking for a way to build muscle mass in your legs. However, you must follow a safe form to ensure you don’t injure yourself during the lift. The deadlift should be performed with a slight bend at the knees with your back flat against the floor; this will allow more weight to be lifted off your back by keeping it straight.

The Back Extension

The back extension is a great exercise for building strength and core stability. It also helps to improve posture by building muscles in the lower back and glutes. The best part about this move is that you can do it anywhere at any time.

Simply place your feet on an elevated surface and start with your knees slightly bent, keeping your back straight and your head up. Slowly extend one arm upwards, then the other. You should feel this in your abdominal muscles and lower back.


Many workout regimes involve crunches and more traditional upper body exercises, which can be effective if you want a well-put-together upper body and good abs. However, if you’re looking for something that will give you a full body workout and allow you to get in shape fast, the above options are your best bet.

Why The Warmth of Your House is Important to Your Health

Why The Warmth of Your House is Important to Your Health

Cold weather is often associated with a myriad of health conditions such as an increased risk of heart problems due to a sedentary lifestyle. Also when you go outside in the winter, your heart works harder to keep your body warm. This may increase the risk of blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease. If you have an underlying condition such as hypertension, it can get worse more so if you can’t go out for winter workout activities like skating.

Despite all these, you can stay warm inside the house by insulating your walls or using a furnace. Did you also know that glazing your windows can greatly boost the warmth inside the house? If you are in Glasgow, like I am, you probably have seen companies promoting double or even triple glazing. In this regard, your double glazing company in Glasgow should do the quality installation and deliver the best value for money.

Prevents Respiratory Problems

Respiratory problems are prevalent during winter and it gets worse if you or any member of your family are asthmatic. Indeed cold weather triggers asthma which can be potentially dangerous if you suffer from allergies.

When it gets cold, the mucus layer in your respiratory system thickens and increases the chances of cold and flu. These infections can irritate the airways thereby triggering asthma-like symptoms.

Keeping your house warm is one way to prevent respiratory infections. Ideally, you can set your thermostat to 68 degrees during winter as this also enhances your comfort.

Can You Keep Warm During Winter?

During winter life can be challenging, but with the best precautions, you can easily manage the weather. Most people staff up inside their houses without going outside especially when the temperature drops to -60F. As well there are strong winds and worse still you can get injured if you slip on the icy pavements and fall.

Wear Warm Clothes

Staying indoors means keeping warm by dressing well and heating. You can get neck coverings, headgear, and warm blankets to enhance your comfort. With these measures, you can stay warm and healthy.

Use a Radiator-Insulation Film

A radiator is a small piece of equipment that can help keep warm during winter. The appliance works by reflecting heat into the room and retaining it inside. It also helps in saving energy and ultimately brings your power bills down.

Put on Gaiters on Your Legs To Keep Warm

Gaiters are clothings that you can wear on your legs between the ankles and below the knee. They are mostly worn during winter and can provide warmth and relief from conditions such as arthritis.

If you have an old sweater, you can cut off the sleeves and wear them on your legs. These help in keeping the legs warm and prevents freezing especially on winter evenings.

A Hot Water Bottle Can Do The Trick

A Hot water bottle is yet an excellent option to warm your legs. The advantage of the hot water bottle is that you can keep your feet warm without the need to heat the entire house. And it’s even better because you can do it yourself.

Weather Stripping on Your Doors

Door seals or draft excluders are not expensive and they save a lot of money. In addition, they can keep your house warm and prevent cold-related infections.

In addition, you can insulate your windows with pieces of old newspapers. It helps prevent cold air from coming inside or warm air from escaping outside.

Another simple gesture is to close the gutters as this will drastically keep the house warm and reduce energy consumption.

Drink Hot Drinks

Nothing beats a hot cup of coffee when it’s freezing outside. You can also try hot lemon water to boost your immunity during winter. It can reduce the risk of heart disease and flushes out the toxins. Moreover, hot dishes will help you face cold nights.

Avoid Drafts

To prevent cold air from entering and circulating in your house its vital to close all openings in your windows and doors. In addition, drafts can pass around the edges of your doors as well as underneath. For a good seal, you can caulk your doors or windows with gaskets.

If your house has tiles, you can use a rug or carpet on the floor to ensure the surface stays warm.

Use Blackout Curtains

During winter, the outside temperature drastically falls to unmanageable levels. You can draw your curtains at night to ensure the heat stays inside.


Exercising every day is good for blood circulation which can help in keeping you warm and preventing heart-related infections.


If you live in areas where there’s snow, you can keep warm by combining the tips highlighted above. Keep warm and ensure there is heat in your house to prevent infections associated with cold.